Hi Sheila,
I can provide you a number of insights with regard to the Streetsmart Counseling presentations but I can’t provide you with any specific quantitative data if that’s what you’re looking for. Please be aware that, although, we have worked with Tom over the course of almost a year and half we are working toward changing values and beliefs and, therefore, change may not be significantly visible or measurable in such a short time span.
I originally heard Tom speak to our CALM classes about the effects of drug use and mental illness, and decided that this was a story about selfesteem which needed to be shared with the entire student population. In further discussions with Tom, I became aware that his methods were an age-old technique (“I choose”) which, if used by adults who were parenting/teaching at-risk kids, would be a useful tool/strategy. If this strategy was used consistently, the possibility existed to increase the likelihood that at-risk kids could become more successful at school, at home and in the community. Given this, I had Tom come speak to our entire staff which, in turn, provided a foundation to move the staff toward thinking and reacting to particular at-risk behaviors in the same manner on a consistent basis. This strategy, of course, is also beneficial to all students/teenagers. During this time, our school has developed an Attendance (including lates) Policy which is consistent with Tom’s teachings and is currently being implemented in our building this school year. So far, I can tell you that this has created staff working more consistently toward building positive relationships with students while implementing high expectations regarding student behavior, and having students take responsibility for their behaviors. I have been privy to some insightful conversations already with some of our at-risk population and am pleased with these results thus far. Staff are working hard to be accountable to the direction we’ve chosen to use as a strategy to facilitate success for all students so I’m pleased with this as well. During the course of last year we also hosted Tom as a presenter two evenings for our parents and surrounding communities. The presentation was well received by our parents and others who joined us. Many parents were anxious to try some of the suggestions offered by Tom in the presentation and I am aware of parents who chose to continue working with Tom after that presentation in an attempt to save their child from further drug abuse. I am aware of a couple situations where this has positively impacted the child and the family situation.
I’m not sure if this was what you were looking for or not. If you would like me to give you a call still please feel free to let me know that and I will do so during the day tomorrow, wednesday, or feel free to give me a call in the morning.engaging and many said it was one of the best presentations they have seen. I was most impressed with his honesty as a presenter.